Animal Assisted Therapy

Certified in AAT and AAA

Animal Assisted Therapy AAT

Animal Assisted (Inter) Action AAA/AAI

I am always touched what positive outcome animal interventions provide when other conventional therapeutic approaches have not worked.


I often experienced, using my dog or pony, that the animals  provide a sense of calm, comfort, or safety and divert the attention away from a stressful situation some kids or adults I tought, experienced and provide pleasure instead.

When teaching, kids or even adults, they quickly developed a bond with my animal and started playfully integrating them in their given tasks. It ever so often increased a better sense of their self-worth and trust, stabilized their emotions, and improved their communication, but also self-regulation and socialization skills.

What is...

Animal Assisted Therapy or Animal Assisted Action, is an enrichment for me.
It is much more than just spending time with an animal.

Animal-assisted therapy involves specific therapeutic goals, strategies and its outcomes are also measured. Therapeutic experiences can include walking, petting and caring for an animal, as well as processing the experience of trying to achieve a given task. It was always fun to see, when the kids in school worked my dog to the top of the  "kiddie-pyramide", one of the interaction games we played.

Depending on the physical and emotional need one person has and also the expertise of the animal handler/ therapist has, many different animals, like equine, dogs but also sheep, chicken or even rabbits and others can be used. I had wonderful experience with dogs and Equine.

Currently, I have started to work two young Pygmy Goats for their future support in my offered program.
Toffee and Skyr are already used to be walked on a lead and handled by teenagers, (young) adults and are able to
hop into the car to be driven to other venues, staying calm and collected in any situation and environement. 
Nappy and indoor training will follow soon...

Animal-assisted therapy can take place in a variety of settings, including on-site farms, hospitals, nursing homes, prisons and mental health facilities where people are not able to leave the premises or even the bed. I was mainly interacting on-site or at schools but intend to visit care homes as well.

In general, this form of therapeutical treatment can take place individually or in groups, and is quite often led by a qualified therapist or professional with specialized expertise, working aside with the Animal Assisted Therapy/Interaction Intstructor.

Please contact me for further information and kindly use the submit form via the Contact Button.
Petting Session can already be offered.

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